GZMC Training Program on Comprehensive Maritime Trial Skills Starts Chen Youqiang Attends Opening Ceremony and Leads a Delegation for Research in Dalian
On June 3, 2024, Chen Youqiang, Party Secretary and President of Guangzhou Maritime Court (GZMC), attended the opening ceremony of the Training Program on Comprehensive Maritime Trial Skills (the "Program"). A delegation led by him conducted work exchanges with the Law School of Dalian Maritime University (LSDMU) and the Dalian Maritime Court. The morning of June 3 witnessed the commencement of the Program through a ceremony held at LSDMU. At the opening ceremony, Chen Youqiang emphasized that organizing the Program was a concrete measure to thoroughly understand Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, to enhance abilities and qualities, to enrich knowledge and promote action through learning, and to accumulate knowledge and capabilities, all for the purpose of high-quality development. Staffers participating in the Program are expected to cherish the learning opportunity, approach it with inquisitive and reflective minds, and strive to gain insights, achievements, and success from it. Following the ceremony, a delegation led by Chen Youqiang carried out work exchanges with LSDMU. Together, they reviewed the recent initiatives and accomplishments in bridging maritime law theory with maritime judicial practice, and discussed the prospects for further integration and development between the two institutions. According to Chen Youqiang, both LSDMU and GZMC have a responsibility to serve the national strategy of building maritime power and promoting high-quality development of the marine economy. LSDMU has a profound theoretical foundation in maritime law and rich think tank resources, while GZMC boasts practical expertise. By leveraging their respective strengths, both sides hold broad prospects in facilitating the transformation of maritime legal theory and practical research findings. This collaboration will undoubtedly provide ample practical and intellectual support for China's marine governance and development. On the afternoon of June 3, a delegation headed by Chen Youqiang conducted a research visit to Dalian Maritime Court (DLMC). At the symposium, Chen Youqiang expressed admiration for DLMC, stationed in the northeast of the Motherland, in terms of its political consciousness in serving justice for the nation and the people, as well as its dedication to the revitalization of Northeast China and the national maritime development strategy. He acknowledged DLMC's high political stance, clear delimitation of duties and solid work initiatives. He appreciated DLMC's excellent quality and efficiency in trials, as well as its vibrant team. President Chen also emphasized that DLMC had accurately identified key focus areas and entry points in politics, integrating domestic and foreign-related rule of law, and serving the central work of the CPC Provincial Committee. He stated that DLMC, as a specialized maritime court, was a role model for GZMC. GZMC actively learns from the valuable experiences and best practices of its peer maritime courts, striving for its own high-quality development. Together with other maritime courts, GZMC will contribute positively to the high-quality development of maritime trials across the country. Other participating officials included: Xiao Zhixiong, member of the Leading Party Group and Vice President of GZMC; Xu Yuanping, Senior Judge of the Second Rank; Cheng Shengxiang, Presiding Judge of Maritime Division; Wen Jing, Presiding Judge of Zhanjiang Division; Xu Chunlong, Presiding Judge of Zhuhai Division; and Liao Linfeng, Deputy Office Director.
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Case No. Case Status Presiding Judge Court Clerk
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